Tuesday 16 April 2013

Welcome to my blog!

I'm quite busy being a mom to my two kids. I am a hobby-seamstress as well, sewing mainly children's stuff for my little ones and sometimes for customers. I'm a gardener as well, so during the summer months there's always a lot work out-doors. I have already two blogs, but one of them is put on ice for a while until the kids are older. So why another blog?

My other blog just wasn't the right place for my vintage obsession.

I have collected so many vintage sewing patterns I would like to show them to people who love them as much as I do.

You just can't do only vintage sewing. By and by, you get caught by the charm of those decades long gone. You get amazed by the hair-styles, the music, the life-style...

I was infected with the music of the 30s and 40s already as a child, listening to my father's jazz and swing music records. Yes, in those days we used to have those huge black records... And my mother used to sew. She still has a huge pile of vintage Burda magazines from the 60s and later. That collection of patterns was continued by me when I became a seamstress as well. And as time went by, I bought more and more vintage patterns. I have quite a nice collection, including many Lutterloh patterns from the very beginning in the mid-30s.

I am well aware that I never ever will be able to sew only half of all those. But I feel a joy in having all those beauties and looking at them makes me feel happy. Looking at photos from those decades is great fun.

I deeply hope to share this joy with others.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, and vintage patterns, dear Lady!! I hope we can share many hours of fun together with this wonderful hobby ...

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for being the first follower. I found your blog and see you're living in a beautiful place...

      I am not completely new to blogging, as I already have a blog about the things I sew for children, but it's written in German (I live in Switzerland). If you still are interested in it, there's a link on this blog. It's called "Babelina & Button". There are also some modern sewing projects for myself.

      Hasta luego!


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