Sunday 2 February 2014

Treasures from the Past - Vintage 1950s Sewing Magazines

Being a vintage collector makes your live sometimes very difficult. I see so many patterns and vintage sewing magazines I would like to save!

Recently, I was very heroic and brave and saved some treasures. Vintage sewing magazines from the early 1950s. They are all from Germany. So far, so good.

The best thing:

They all still have their pattern sheets.

One magazine was mainly a "good housekeeping magazine". Lots of interesting and sometimes funny adds. (Breast enhancing pills seemed to be quite "en vogue" then... Made me smile, as some things maybe never will change.) Some adds were for products that still exist or used to exist when I was a little girl. Still remember some slogans from the TV spots.

Prym is still a very renowned maker of haberdashery products in Europe. They probably were most famous for their sew-on pressing buttons.

Look at the dresses. There are so many I would like to sew right away!

Sometimes there are patterns for the fuller-figured women. They are so nice, really!

Look at the darling children's patterns!

I'm in love in this blouse. made of organdy or voile, it would look amazing - even without the embroidery.

And this particular Burda sewing magazine is just the cherry on top. I grew up and learned sewing with  the Burda magazine. My mom still has loads of those from the late 1960s to the 1990s. I really had to have this one! It's amazing, and I will write about it later in a separate post.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I do.


  1. I can spend days and weeks rummaging in old magazines and catalogs! They are so lovely and full of inspiration :) I am trying not to buy any patterns until I have used more of the ones I have, but it is very hard...!

    1. Siri, when they arrived, my husband was desperate as I wouldn't stop shouting "look at this and that", and I completely forgot about cooking and the kids... ;-) I know, I should sew more and buy less patterns, but then, I have this idea to save all those poor homeless patterns and give them a place in my collection. Aw, it's not easy to be addicted to vintage patterns (and not to mention other stuff)...

  2. These are marvelous! What special treasures to save and be able to preserve (and enjoy!) for years to come now. I especially like full skirted party dresses - I'd wear them all in a heartbeat!

    Big hugs & many thanks for your comment on yesterday's post about USPS's rate hikes (I'm very sorry that you've been strongly impacted by them as well, dear Doris).

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Yes, Jessica, they are wonderful indeed. I would like to have ALL the dresses - but first I have to sew them. I recently bought some vintage fabrics, and being unable to buy true vintage clothes, I will try to create my own vintage wardrobe.
      To be honest, the high international shipping rates have a deep impact on my collecting activities. On the other hand, it's a challenge to try other ways of creating your own vintage outfits. Like in those eras, I try to make many things of my own.


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