Monday 29 June 2015

Hollywood Homefront Impressions

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Wonderful Carmen Miranda as chevronette

Olivia de Havilland and her sister Joan Fontaine wearing patriotic colours

Irene Dunn

Linda Darnell 1945

Wini Shaw and Anna Lee in Africa 1943

Judy Garland singing for the servicemen

Ann Rutherford advertising war bond

Hedy Lamar on a war bond selling tour

Judy Garland visiting a wounded soldier
Margaret Sullivan working in her victory garden

Vivien Leigh knitting!

Olivia de Havilland on the cover of a 1943 magazine as worker

Rita Hayworth advertising scrap metal in 1942

Lovely Rita wearing the sign for victory on her front

Shirley Temple donating clothing

Veronica Lake demonstrating the dangers for female workers' long unprotected hair

Veronica Lake, Paulette Godard, Claudette Colbert 1943, in "Proudly We Hail" - amazing working trousers!


  1. Great images :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you too! I love to see how they all are dressed neatly. Even the working outfits are much more decent than today's everyday wear.

  2. ...also the hair styles are gorgeous on every photo :-)

    1. Exactly! It takes me hours to make my hair look more or less decent, and then it lasts for one hour until the curs strike back... :-) I wish I could make a hairstyle like the lady in uniform on the first pic...

  3. Fantastic post, dear Doris. One can't help but admire the way that celebrities of yore pitched in so heavily and patriotically for important causes. Today's Hollywood crop could take a serious lesson from them!

    ♥ Jessica


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